Monthly Archives: May 2023

Just Get A Divorce? Here Is What Not To Do
Getting a divorce is one of the hardest things you will ever go through. Once the process is over, you may feel a sense of relief as you leave the process behind you. You may even feel a sense of freedom as you approach your new life. Still, after your divorce case is final,… Read More »

Tips For Telling Your Spouse You Want A Divorce
Sometimes when people are unhappy in a marriage, they both know it. They may even see divorce coming. In other instances, though, one spouse may have no idea that things had gotten so bad, and that their partner is considering divorce. If you need to broach the subject of divorce with your spouse and… Read More »

How To Live Separate And Apart, But In The Same House, As Your Spouse
Pennsylvania does not have any statute that classifies a couple as separated but still technically married. Still, couples who want to get a divorce must live separate and apart for either 90 days or one year before officially ending their marriage. Living separate and apart does not necessarily mean that spouses have to live… Read More »