Is January Really Divorce Month?

Married couples can choose to get a divorce at any time, but it has been shown that certain months are more common than others. In fact, January has been dubbed as ‘divorce month’ by many publications and studies. However, this is not entirely true. While January does see a spike in divorce cases, so too, do March and August. Divorce cases in August are thought to increase due to the amount of filings completed in January and March. Still, the first month of the year does see an increased amount of divorce filings. Below, our Delaware County divorce lawyer explains the most common reasons for this.
Starting Fresh
It is no surprise that many people view the transition of one year to another as an opportunity to start fresh. This is why so many people make New Year’s resolutions. Throughout December and January, many people take stock of their lives and identify areas where they need to make changes. When a person feels as though they are in an unhappy marriage, they may decide it is this area that requires change. Many people view the start of a new year as a fresh start, giving them the motivation they need to initiate the divorce process.
Holiday Stressors
While the holidays are a time of joy for many people, for others they are very stressful. Financial stress, unmet expectations, and increased family obligations can all showcase the problems in a marriage. Many spouses no longer want to put in the effort by the time January comes and so, they start the divorce process.
Protecting the Kids
For many families, the holidays revolve largely around the children. Parents want to make memories with their kids during this time, and make it as special as possible for them. Many parents think that announcing their separation will ruin the holidays for the children, and even for other family members. This causes many parents to stay together throughout the holidays while planning to file for divorce shortly afterwards.
A Return to the Regular Routine
The holidays are incredibly hectic and many families cannot follow the same routine they do during other times of the year. Holidays involve decorating, shopping, visits with family, and so much more. With schedules that are already very busy, spouses often do not want to give themselves one more thing to do. Due to this, many spouses wait until the holidays are over to file for divorce. In January, parents go back to work and the kids go back to school. This return to the regular routine often makes some people feel as though it is the right time to file for divorce.
Call Our Divorce Attorney in Delaware County Before Filing
If you are thinking about divorce now that it is the new year, do not go through the process alone. At Barbara Flum Stein & Associates, our Delaware County divorce attorney can ensure you complete the proper paperwork and help you navigate the process so you obtain the most successful outcome. Call us now at 610-565-6100 or chat with us online to schedule a consultation and to get the legal help you need.