Child Custody FAQs For Pennsylvania Residents

In contemporary American culture, it is considered the new normal for both parents to share in the duties of raising a child. From the first dirty diaper to the time they go off to college and beyond, parents must function as a team in order to foster their child’s healthy social and personal development. In the unfortunate event of a divorce, parents can find themselves wondering how it will ultimately impact any children they have together.
Pennsylvania law outlines rules, regulations, and procedures for determining child custody in the Keystone State. While these laws may be easy to interpret for an experienced divorce attorney, the average Pennsylvania resident may encounter confusion and frustration when trying to parse through the process of determining child custody in a divorce.
Although divorcing parents in Pennsylvania will benefit the most from employing the services of a divorce attorney, there are steps they can take to better understand the child custody process on their own time. If you are interested in learning more about the child custody process in Pennsylvania, then read on to discover answers to frequently asked questions about the laws underpinning custody determination.
Who Gets Custody of the Child?
This is perhaps the most pertinent question on parents’ minds as they begin planning for a divorce. Ultimately, Pennsylvania law declares that custody will be determined based on what is in the best interest of the child. Courts will look at many factors when making this determination, including what the child prefers, any potential disruptions to the child’s education, the financial and personal responsibility of each parent, and any custody circumstances for siblings.
What is Joint Custody vs. Sole Custody?
In a joint physical custody arrangement, both parents maintain a level of custody with the child that allows for continuous contact. One important consideration to keep in mind is that parents can share custody and not have a 50/50 split of time with the child.
If one parent is awarded both physical and legal custody of the child, then they have sole custody. This type of custody is more rare compared to a joint or shared custody arrangement, but is possible in circumstances where one parent is clearly unfit to contribute to the best interest of the child.
How Does Child Support Factor In?
In situations where parents share custody, child support payments may or may not be necessary. The decision to require one parent to pay child support relies heavily on consideration of both parents’ incomes and the amount of time the child spends with each parent. If one parent makes substantially more money than the other, this is likely to lead to a disruption in the child’s quality of life following the finalization of the divorce, and child support payments may be instituted to address this issue.
When Should I Contact an Attorney?
Parents in Pennsylvania are likely going to want professional representation when undergoing divorce and child custody proceedings. For help with your case, reach out to the skilled Media child support attorneys at Barbara Flum Stein & Associates today.
Parents in Pennsylvania are likely going to want professional representation when undergoing divorce and child custody proceedings. For help with your case, reach out to the skilled Media child support attorneys at Barbara Flum Stein & Associates today.